Subject: Re: More flexible JDBCRealm implementation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (for ASP-style 
From: "Vic C." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
That is a frequent need.

What is needed is the concept of "organization", a 3rd field in every db 

I know how to manualy code (using getuserpricipal and a bean) but 
nothing automatic I can think of.

Soefara Redzuan wrote:
> I've setup a JDBCRealm for Tomcat using MySQL. It works OK
> but the database schema is not good for an ASP (application
> service provider) model. For example, I would like several
> companies to use the same webapp (each company should not
> know of the other's existence) and each should be able to
> create a user 'admin' and a user 'david' but in the way that
> JDBCRealm is currently configured only one instance of any
> user name is possible since it is the primary key in the users
> table. Is there a better way to do this ?
> I followed instructions found on many websites for setting up
> a JDBCRealm.
> The table schema is
> create table user_groups (
>    group_id int not null auto_increment,
>    group_name char(24),
>    parent_id int not null default -1,
>    primary key(group_id)
>    );
> create table users (
>  user_name     varchar(32) not null,
>  user_pass     varchar(32) not null,
>  user_groupid  int not null default -1,
>  primary key(user_name)
> );
> create table user_roles (
>  user_name         varchar(15) not null,
>  role_name         varchar(15) not null,
>  primary key (user_name, role_name)
> );
> And in Tomcat's server.xml I have this in the appropriate context,
>  <Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.JDBCRealm" debug="99"
>       driverName=""
>       connectionURL="jdbc:mysql://servername/databasename"
>       userTable="users" userNameCol="user_name" userCredCol="user_pass"
>       userRoleTable="user_roles" roleNameCol="role_name"/>
> And finally this in the webapp's web.xml,
>      <security-constraint>
>         <web-resource-collection>
>             <web-resource-name>ProtectedApp</web-resource-name>
>             <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern>
>             <http-method>POST</http-method>
>            <http-method>GET</http-method>
>         </web-resource-collection>
>         <auth-constraint>
>             <description>name the security roles that are allowed to 
> access</description>
>             <role-name>administrator</role-name>
>             <role-name>user</role-name>
>         </auth-constraint>
>     </security-constraint>
> The alternative is to set up a separate webapp for each
> company that wishes to use our service but that really isn't
> scalable and doesn't allow for users to self-register and
> be up-and-running without administrator intervention.
> Has anybody solved this problem ?  Thank you in advance,
> Soefara.
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