Dear subscribers.

I've noticed, when I examined the build.xml file in the jk directory,
that the target "install" has been removed. I compared the file to the
build.xml in the 4.0.2 version of the connector source and in that
version the install target is there. Is there any particular reason why
the install target been removed? How is it supposed to be installed now?

Kind regards, Ola Theander

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ola Theander [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: den 24 juli 2002 23:32
> Subject: Prblm: "ant install" fails after building mod_jk 
> jars for tomcat-4.0.4 connectors.
> Dear subscribers.
> I have a problem regarding the "ant install" part after I've 
> built the jk (AJP13) connector for 
> jakarta-tomcat-connectors-4.0.4. When I run "ant install" I 
> get an error message "Target 'install' does not exist in this 
> project". Any idea why this is the case? The preceding build 
> process seems to work fine.
> Kind regards, Ola Theander
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