On Tuesday 23 July 2002 04:03, Ryszard Lach wrote:

> Could anyone explain how are non-ascii characters processed by Tomcat ?
> I have the following configuraton:
> Tomcat 4.0.3 running with apache (mod_webapp), environment: LANG=pl_PL,
> JDK1.4.0 with command-line parameter
> -Djavax.servlet.request.encoding=ISO-8859-2
> JSP page with '<%@ page contentType="text/html;CHARSET=ISO-8859-2" %>'
> declared.
> All polish characters are displayed in the browser correctly, they also
> are inserted into database correctly, but I cannot receive them in
> e-mail sent from the JSP page - all non-ASCI characters are coming in
> the message as proper LATIN2 characters preceded by 'Â' or 'Ă'
> characters. When I look at the generated from JSP Java code in
> ~catalina/work directory, I see exactly the same.

Are you sure the characters you stored in the database are stored in Latin2, 
and not unicode?

> Decompiled (generated from JSP) class contains octal codes of LATIN2
> characters (i suppose there should be rather UNICODE character's codes).

Octal codes?  Could you give an example of what you are calling an 'octal 

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