I've mentioned this before in my Configuration e-mail, but it appears
important enough for me to mention it again (as there hasn't been a
response, and it is a pretty serious problem IMO).

When I run tests at a high TPS, I might encounter a "can't connect" error
(looks like I've reached the acceptCount limit).  That's fine with me, so I
stop the test and get ready to start another.  When I start the next test (I
usually wait a few seconds, let tomcat's CPU usage drop off), I immediately
start getting "can't connect" errors, which should not be possible in the
amount of time I'm getting them (TPS of 100, acceptCount 1000, that should
be 10 seconds before I should get these errors, right?)

My only "fix" for this problem is to shutdown and restart Tomcat, which is
not really a solution.

Is this a known problem or bug? Possible I misconfigured something?


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