
I'm wondering if it is possible to use one of the catalina ant manager
tasks to query for the existence of a single running application.  The
closest thing to it that I can find is the "List" task.  However, that
just returns a string list of all running apps.

What I would like to do is be able to make my "install" target check
whether an app is already loaded.  If so, instead of just saying
"already installed" and ending the build, it would run the "reload" target.
This would save time....or is it possible to catch some error
condition from the install target and conditionally run the "reload"
target if the install target returns that error condition?  If so, how
is that done?

Note:  I'm sending this mostly Ant question to the Tomcat-user list
only because people like Craig know more about the manager app and the
catalina tasks than the Ant people do.



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