
>What's the deal? I want to set a path to a log file by obtaining the
>app realpath and then subtracting "/webapps/" and substituting
>"/logs/". Is there a better way to do that?

For portability sake, so that you can deploy from a WAR file and don't
require it to be exploded, there are a couple of options.

- Include the complete path to a log file in your deployment descriptor,
as a context-param or init-param to some startup servlet.

- Log to a database, syslog, or another external facility.

- Log to the temporary directory (javax.servlet.context.tempdir) and
copy / persist the file upon shutdown.  Kind of similar to the first
option above, so I prefer the init-param approach.

getRealPath() will not work when deploying from a WAR, as you are doing
with the Manager app.  See the JavaDoc for ServletContext.getRealPath()
for details.  That will lead to another option:

- Use getResource() to construct the log file path with the same logic
as your original request.

I hope that helps a bit,

Yoav Shapira
Millennium ChemInformatics

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