Per all the instructions I could find, I brought down the Apache and Tomcat
services.  I have ensured that TOMCAT_HOME and JAVA_HOME (JDK 1.3) are both
defined on my system and put the dll in Apache's "modules" folder, per the
instructions.  Added the following line to httpd.conf:

Include "C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Tomcat 3.3a/conf/jk/mod_jk.conf"

Tried it with and without the quotation marks- apache doesn't seem to like
it.  When I try to bring up the service, it dies immediately, leaving no
errors, until I comment out that line.  I also tried including the
mod_jk.conf contents in httpd.conf, skipping the include directive
altogether, with the same results (same crash).  Here are my mod_jk.conf

LoadModule jk_module modules/mod_jk.dll

<IfModule mod_jk.c>

JkWorkersFile C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Tomcat
JkLogFile  logs/jk.log
JkLogLevel error
JkMount /*.jsp ajp12
JkMount /servlet/* ajp12
JkMount /examples/* ajp12


So what do you think I might have done wrong?  Thanks in advance for your

Matt Partain

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