
Cool thanks!  I just had to play with those settings  but in principal
you're right on the money!

Here's what finally worked:

         <Host name="www.hotel.us" appbase="webapps/hotel" debug="10">
                 <Context path="" docBase="" debug="10" />


-----Original Message-----
From: Jacob Kjome [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, August 26, 2002 10:43 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: creating virtual hosts - HOW TO?

Hello neal,

Your appBase attribute on the <Host ...> element plus your docBase on
your <Context ...> element implies that you have the following
directory structure:


Note that the docBase for a particular webapp looks for the named
directory inside the appBase.  Since your appBase is webapps/hotel,
there should be another "hotel" directory inside the appBase where
your context exists.  I'm assuming what you have set up is actually


and you have your webapp inside that first "hotel" directory.  That
won't work.  Put your webapp inside another hotel directory inside the
first "hotel" directory and your example should work.  Or, it might
work if you use a docBase of "".  I'm not positive about that, though,
so you'd have to test and see.  The first solution should work.


Monday, August 26, 2002, 12:26:48 PM, you wrote:

n> I am attempting to create multiple discreet web apps, each of whom can
n> listen to their own URLs for page requests.  Here's an example of what
n> done for each webApp (virtual host):

n>         <Host name="www.hotel.us" appbase="webapps/hotel" debug="10">
n>                 <Context path="/hotel" docBase="hotel" debug="10" />
n>         </Host>

n>  But, I am getting a 500 error with the message "No Context configured to
n> process this request".  It sees to be at least redirecting the requests
n> the specified URLs correctly (away from the default webapp) ... but I'm
n> getting that darned 500 error ... dispite specifying the Context node.
n> grrr....

n> Any thoughts?

n> Thanks!
n> Neal

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Best regards,
 Jacob                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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