At 10:48 AM 8/29/2002 -0400, Turner, John wrote:

>Perhaps I've missed something in this thread, but if your need is as simple
>as a single (or even a couple) JSP pages, why not just copy everything in
>server.xml that has to do with "/examples", change that to "/your-app",
>restart tomcat, and call it good?  For that matter, toss the JSP into the
>ROOT and go with that.
>Is it just for a warm-fuzzy that you are trying to learn every nook and
>cranny of tomcat to get your JSPs running?  I'm not criticizing, it just
>seems to me that the solution is very simple.  Sure, it's always good for an
>admin to learn as much as possible about the software running on their
>server, but that seems secondary to getting your pages running, at least to
>me.  You can always implement more options later.

I know what you mean.  I for one have made it my personal goal to
go as long as possible without ever writing a single JSP.  And if I
ever have to maintain someone else's JSP, I'll put strong thought
into turning it into a servlet.  (After all, that's what happens
to it anyway.)  JSPs are AFAIK supposed to be purely for convenience.
If they give you grief, then they've defeated their purpose.

Furthermore, how often does that page need to be dynamically
generated?  If once per HTTP request, JSP or servlet makes sense;
if once per given time period, I'd go with a cron job and a Perl
script; if once per change in the content of some other data (which
changes less often than it gets requested), perhaps a change to
whatever process modifies that data; if never, well...  :-)

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