
I am fairly new to using Tomcat.  I am attempting to use a centralized
location to define the MySQL access configuration info.  It is my
understanding that the /WEB-INF/web.xml is the best location to store
this info.

I have defined a set of JDBC parameters such as the driver info shown
below in my web.xml file for the web app:


Within a JSP file, I attempt to get the parameter via the implicit
application variable:

    driver="<%= application.getInitParameter("jdbc.driver") %>"
    url="<%= application.getInitParameter("jdbc.url") %>"
    user="<%= application.getInitParameter("jdbc.username")" %>"
    password="<%= application.getInitParameter("jdbc.password")" %>"
    var="db" />

Unfortunately, I receive the following error:

/search-all-cables.jsp(10,56) Attribute jdbc.driver has no value
    at org.apache.jasper.compiler.JspReader.parseAttributeValue(JspReader.java:563)

FYI, I am using Tomcat 4.0.4 with J2SDK 1.4.0_01.

Thank you,
Michael R. Schwab
Design Engineer
QCC Communications Corp.
Voice: (306) 249-0220
Fax: (306) 249-5128

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