Try something like this in your servlet.

void doGet(request, response) {
        // Get request info
        out = response.getOutputStream();
        out.write("<html><body>Hello, everything is ok.</body></html>");
        // Do the transaction here



Donie Kelly wrote:
> Hi all
> I want to run a long transaction which lasts about 2 seconds with tomcat but
> after I have gathered the information from the request I want to return 200
> OK to user and close the connection to the browser. However, the thread
> should continue to process the request and when finished it should return to
> the thread pool tomcat has.
> I want to set the tomcat pool up as follows in server.xml
> <Connector className="org.apache.catalina.connector.http.HttpConnector"
> port="80" minProcessors="5" maxProcessors="5"
>                enableLookups="true" redirectPort="443" acceptCount="100"
> debug="0" connectionTimeout="60000"/>
> So basically, I want only 5 threads running at any time and under load
> conditions it should cause a backlog of 100 with 5 threads doing the
> processing. It is important though that the threads return quickly to the
> user.
> Thanks for any solutions
> Donie
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  Ronald Klop
  Amsterdam, The Netherlands

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