John Holman wrote:

> Mark
>>> Looking up roles as the administrator (or anonymously if 
>>> connectionName and connectionPassword are not specified) is a 
>>> deliberate design decision.
>>> John.
>> ?? But, if you've already established a connection with the users 
>> principle and credentials, why would ever want to convert to a 
>> diferent set of  principle/credentials to do the role lookup as a 
>> *rule*? This seems to be a *configuration* decision. It would be 
>> benifical if  the interface provided for this option by providing 
>> something like a "bind-as-user='true|false'" 
>> "query-as-user='true|false'" in the realm configuration.
> One reason for the decision was that users may not have the 
> permissions to retrieve their own roles from the directory, at least 
> when roles are represented as LDAP group entries. (Such permissions 
> would enable a user to retrieve the roles of any other user, which may 
> be considered a breach of privacy). 

Depends on the ACL model the LDAP server is implementing.

> Another reason was that for efficiency reasons role information held 
> as the value of an attribute in the user's entry is retrieved as an 
> integral part of searching for that entry (when a user search is 
> configured). That search must be carried out when bound as the 
> administrator, since we don't yet know the user's dn, and so it seemed 
> consistent to use the same credentials when retrieving role 
> information held as group entries.

The users dn is know implicitly because you just bound to the ldap 
server with it. In our model, users can only see the groups that they 
are a member of.

> If you are worried about privacy you won't want to give users the 
> ability to read the roles of others - so binding as the user to retrieve
> group-based role information won't work. And if you are not, just 
> allow the roles to be read when bound anonymously. So I can't see it 
> would add much (except to the complexity of the program!) to support a 
> "query-as-user" option. Though I may be missing something ...
> John

I think it depends on the ACL model one is using. We are using a 
hierarchical membership model. 

We have Public, Researchers, Curators and Admins. Each of which has 
progressively more rights than the last.

In our case, the administrators of a particular "subtree" of the LDAP 
are decided based on thier being members of  an "administrator group" 
entry at that particular point in the LDAP server. So an administrator 
has rights to alter the contents all members of the administrator group 
and any "sub-groups" below the administrator, same goes for curators as 
well, they can edit membership into the curators group, researchers 
group or public group. Researchers and Public only have read access to 
the groups they are a member of.  In all cases a user stays logged into 
the LDAP using the same principle/credentials that they bound with. The 
LDAP servers ACL controlles their rights in the system. (Not the Client 
JNDI Context, which could then be breached by rogue clients.)

Users all log in just the same and have thier "views" of the ldap 
controlled by the ACL. Our ACL on our LDAP server restricts "Users" to 
only see "group entries" of which they are a member of (so users can't 
see who is a member of a "higher" group). Only administrators and 
curators actually have the rights to edit their group/subgroup entries. 
Users in the other groups do have rights to "view" thier 
groups/subgroups, they have no view of groups higher than them in the 

In my eye's the JNDI realm *is* just another *LDAP Client* connecting to 
the LDAP server. Its the server's job to restrict access appropriately 
and not the client's. If the security of the Tomcat server were breached 
and the someone was able to pull the administrative credentials from the 
server.xml file, that would be bad. In our case we would need to put 
them there because we don't allow annonymous lookup of our groups and 
the greatest access group would be the administrators. 

So the JNDI realm configurablity becomes an issue because I can do the 
bindAsUser / lookup roles Anonymously
bindAsUser / lookup roles as Administrator

but I can't do:
bindAsUser / lookup roles as User.

I dont' think its the *clients* job to restrict the way one can 
communicate with the *server* in this case. The JNDI library itself 
doesn't, why should Tomcat?

In our model, the users (admins,curators,researchers and public) are 
responsable for thier credentials and the Tomcat Server is not a point 
of  security risk. Its just a client they are configuring. It doesn't 
store any passwords in the server.xml file


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