I have a question about the directories structure.

        For a web application we distinguish two directories structures:

        - source code directory
        that contains Java classes/packages specific to the application

        - deployment application directory (= Tomcat files systems)
something like
        Pages (contains JSP pages)

        I am using CVS to archive my files, I ask me questions about the
CVS's repository for 
        my application, something like:


                archive - contains .war
                doc      - documentation
                src      - contains the source code directory

        how must I add the deployment directory ?
        Can you give me example or advices ?

        I think to do:

                archive - contains .war
                doc      - documentation
                src       - contains the source code directory
                pages   - contains JSP pages
                web     (contains configuration files web.xml)
                           - lib        

        I will get sources from CVS, compile sources (with the IDE) and
create a .war.
        To deploy the directory under Tomcat (Tomcat is installed on
y:\Tomcat) I have several solutions
        1. use Ant and create a directory MyApp under y:/Tomcat/webapps and
the sub-directories WEB-INf, pages etc...
        2. set an element context in the server.xml that points on
X:\MyProject\MyApp, isn't it?
        For me the second solution is better because my project used for the
development (JBuilder project) points
        on X:\MyProject\MyApp in order to access to the directories src,
pages, images.
        When I modified a Java source file or JSP or XML file, I just have
to stop Tomcat and start it again because it
        points on the updated directory.
        With the first solution, I must stop Tomcat, launch the build.xml
command and restart Tomcat, isn't it ?
        If I forget the build.xml command Tomcat doesn't have the updated
sources or JSP files.
        I have choose the first solution because I don't know Ant and I have
not a lot of time. 

        Do you have remarks or advices ? 
        What do you think about place JSP files in src directory ? in order
to points on the X:\MyProject\MyApp\src
        in the IDE and not see the other sub-directories (doc, archive,
scripts....they are unused in the IDE explorer).


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