
  could somebody explain to me what possibly went wrong about my 

  what i did was, i set the maxInactiveIinterval time for 30 secs. on my 
servlet then i added
  to my HttpSession object  an object that implements 
HttpSessionBindingListener so that i can
  keep track and see what happen when session expires. this scenario 
works fine, my session
  was invalidated after session timeout and the sessionlistener was 

  my problem is when i access my web application by using two browsers 
and let the
  1st browser remain idle until session expires.  the 2nd browser 
session also expires
  when 1st browser session expires
   i can say this because it put a trace line on valueUnbound of the 
sessionlistener object
  and two session id were displayed this was the session of both browser.

  what went wrong with this?

  i'm using Tomcat 4.0

thanks a lot

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