This is so nasty. ;-)

The easiest way is to install "servletname.class" in
$CATALINA_HOME/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes.  In this case, the Invoker will
pick it up for the DefaultContext.

Since "easiest" rarely works :), you could try using Apache's mod_rewrite to
send the request to the right place:
RewriteRule ^/servlet/servletname/.* /datatel/servlet/servletname/$1 [PT]

The problem with this, is that to get it to work depends on which mod_jk
version you are using.  For the JK 1.1 (the one that ships with 3.3.x) or
1.2, the directive (in your httpd.conf) is:
JkOptions ForwardURICompat

For JK2, I don't know the option.

"Jonathan Soons" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
I am using mod_webapp and it serves up a servlet no problem
from the configured context so that:
works fine and datatel is the app and configured context.
I need to make the same servlet work with the  URL:
since I cannot change the URL.
Should I use :
<Location /servlet>
SetHandler run_servlet

if so, what is run_servlet really?

If not, is there a right way?

Thank you


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