Further to this saga :
Went thru the whole process of geenrating the mod_jk.so again , bounced
box and using IE
""; I now get this exception
"This page cannot be found"...

> Started up TOMCAT with "startup.sh". It works!
> I could execute the little JSP's and Servlets in
> "http://MyServer:8080/examples";
> ***
> Started up Apache2 with /usr/local/bin/httpd -k start".
> After chainging DocumentRoot in httpd.conf, throws up my own index.html
> on "";
> ***
> After re-instating the default httpd.conf, what does not work is
> "http://MyServer/examples"; ie point (9) of johnturner.com/howto.
> ***
> So I am no better off now than 3 days ago when both Tomcat and Apache
> worked on and by themselve. I need them to work together.
> ***
> First time I cp-ed mod_jk.so to /usr/local/apache/modules and started
> up, it throws the error message that it is not found in /libexec. So I
> cp-ed mod_jk.so to /libexec  as well.
> ***
> Can someone give me some hints or pointers to trouble-shoot this ???
> --
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