So, shooting in the dark, do you have log hosts names turned on for tomcat?
If so, is your host name resolvable?

-----Original Message-----
From: andrew mercer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 01 October, 2002 7:47 AM
Subject: Help - why is tomcat so slow in displaying each page?


I have recently had to convert from Jetty to tomcat for one of our

The application is run from a war file that has in it among other things
java classes and webmacro templates.

The main browser views are currently created using frames.

When I run the war file using jetty everything runs perfectly and fast.

However when I run using tomcat the frames take about 40 - 50 seconds to

The first frame loads fast but then I am waiting for the rest.

Once open if I then click a link that loads one template (with no
frames) via a servlet into one of the visible frames then this can also
take between 30 - 45 seconds.

Is there a way round this?

Is it someting to do with the configuaration.?

I could not see anything obvoius in the xml files nor could I see a
similar question in the old mailing lists.

Thnks for your help in advance

Andrew Mercer
Software Developer

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