I posted something on this earlier - can you get *any* cgi to work when it's

Here's my previous post:

I'm using Tomcat 4.0.3 to serve dynamic and static pages. I can get includes
to work and I can get CGI's to work but I can't get included CGI's to work.
<you can pick your friends, you can pick your nose...>
Anyway, here's what works:

includes on .html pages:
<!--#include virtual="Shared/footer"-->

includes on .jsp pages:
<%@ include file="Shared/footer" %>

CGI that works:

And here's what DOESN'T work (this is on a .html page)
<!--#include virtual="/cgi-bin/test-cgi"-->
<!--#include virtual="/PCW/cgi-bin/test-cgi"-->
<!--#include virtual="../../WEB-INF/cgi/test-cgi"-->

My Tomcat config file is completely standard - I uncommented the SSI and CGI
bits and renamed the appropriate .jar files but there are no other config
changes. Since both CGI's and includes work my assumption here is that the
SSI servlet doesn't call the CGI servlet. In other words when I call the CGI
from the URL it gets handled by the CGI servlet, and when I include it it
gets handled by the SSI servlet but what I need is for the SSI servlet to
call the CGI servlet which it doesn't do.

> It doesn't appear that any file extensions are checked by the CGI
> servlet, and I cannot find any code that explicitly 'allows' or 'denies'
> certain file extensions.
> As far as I can tell, the request for "/cgi-bin/whatever.exe" is not
> being handled by the CGIServlet at all. When CGIServlet is invoked, it
> tries to "find" the cgi file, and prints logs so you can tell this is
> happening. A request for an ".exe" file does not cause this log to get
> printed. So this tells me that the request is never getting sent to the
> CGIServlet, even though it matches the /cgi-bin/* pattern, which the
> CGIServlet is supposed to handle.
> --jason
> Turner, John wrote:
>> .exe may not be explicitly excluded as an extension, but are other file
>> extensions explicitly included?  Like .sh, .pl, .cgi?
>> John
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Jason Young [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>>> Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2002 11:00 AM
>>> Subject: Problem invoking CGIs that are EXE files
>> ...snip...
>>> Are there just some file extensions that Tomcat will not try
>>> to execute? 
>>> I looked at the source code, and couldn't find any reference
>>> to ".exe" 
>>> files that would exclude them from execution...
>>> Thanks for any help or insight into this matter!
>>> Jason Young

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