Hi all
I am trying to run tomcat 4.0.4 on aix 4.3.3 on ssl mode
I don't have the ibmjsse files because i can't find them anywhere is
this a problem ????
(Anyone one knows where is it ?)

I am using sunn jsse i have put them in java_home/jre/lib/ext dir and
point the JSSE_HOME of tomcat to that direction.
I have created the server.keystore and uncomment the SSL connector in
poinitng the keystoreFile to server.keystore and keystorePass to the
password i have put in
While in plain http i don't have a problem in https i get page not
available no errors anywhere
Btw in my pc runs smoothly.
Another thing is that when  i try to access the page with netscape i get
an error saying
Netscape and server can not communicate because they don't have common
encryption algorithms.

Any ideas...

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