
I recently tried to upgrade my version of Tomcat from 3.3 to 4.1(I also 
tried 4.0). My problem is that for some reason the httpsession is lost after 
redirection from https to http. I run apache in front of tomcat to handle 
static content plus certificate. My webapp depend on the ability to login a 
user of secure connection then redirect to an unsecure connection. I do the 
res.sendRedirect(res.encodeRedirectURL.....)). But after redirecting to http 
protocol (to the same webapp context) the http session is null.
My webapp workes fine in Tomcat 3.3. Nothing has changed except tomcat 
version and of course the tomcat conf. files. I've tried both the Coyote 
connector and the ajp13 one. mod_jk and mod_jk2(which I couldn't get 
working) on the apache side. I've tried Apache 1.3 and Apache 2. And I am 
going insane.
My server.xml file is close to the default one, I've only added my 
context(defining docbase and such). For 3.3 this worked like a charm.


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