"Luca Ventura" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hello everybody!
> I have IIS as Web Server and Tomcat 4.x as Servlet Container (using the
> ISAPI filter).
> So all requests directed to servlets, jsp-pages, or
> java-technology based web sites are redirected to Tomcat 4.x from IIS.
> I have installed in IIS a digital certificate to support HTTPS
> protocol.
> Let's suppose my web domain is: www.mydomain.com
> and that my java-technology based web site is in the /javasite folder.
> So to access to it in a secure way using HTPPS I must type the url:
> https://www.mydomanin.com/javasite/index.html
> First of all I would like to have a confirmation of the following thing:
> 1) When I send data to the url above are all of them cripted from my Web
> Browser and decrypted by ISS before redirecting them to Tomcat 4.x
> (I haven't installed the same digital certificate in Tomcat because
> I don't use it as a Web Server)?


> Then I need to know:
> 2)I want to protect some servlets and jsp-pages with an access login and
> password:
> So I used the BASIC authentication of Tomcat: in this way when I user
> try to connect to a protected servlet or jsp-page the  Servlet Container
> Tomcat asks to
> the user to insert a login and a password. If the url of the servler or
> jsp-page
> he tries to connect to is https based (for example:
> https://www.mydomanin.com/javasite/MyServet) are both login and password
> crypted before sending them to Tomcat (I think that IIS should receive ,
> decrypt and forward
> them to Tomcat)?


> I hope someone can help me.
> Thanks everybody in advance!
>                                                    Luca

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