Well, Apache2 is native code and Log4j is for debugging in Java, so Apache2 is pretty irrelevant. It should work fine in Tomcat as long as you put log4j in the WEB-INF/lib of each webapp that you want debugging in. Log4j needs to log in its own universe. Putting it in a global classloader like $CATALINA_HOME/lib would cause problems because as each app is configured, it would affect the logging of the other apps that were previously configured. This can be ameliorated by using a RepositorySelector, but that is more complex and I wouldn't bother with that unless you really know what you are doing. Check out this for info on repository selectors:

For you immediate use, check out:

look specifically at "Default Initialization Under Tomat"


At 07:13 PM 10/21/2002 +1000, you wrote:
Hi all.
I would like to use log4j1.2.7 to debug some situationsss.
Does anyone have any problems with it upsetting Apache2 or Tomcat4.0.4 ?
I have enough issues as it is...

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