Looks like your getting jk2 and jk mixed up a bit. 

Have a look at http://www.pubbitch.org/jboss/mod_jk2.html.  Most of the 
"JkMount" stuff is done in worker2.properties via uri statements.  You can 
still do this in your httpd.conf file, it's just called JkUriSet now. 
Other JkSet commands work as well.

So you'll need a workers2.properties file as well as a jk2.properties 
file, (many examples are available, try google).  Not sure if it makes 
sense to have duplicate uri statements in both httpd.conf and wk2.prop 
files though.  It would make sense for virtual servers if the default 
server is not mapping it already in wk2.prop.

>From the src, mod_jk2.c
 * Set a property associated with a URI, using native <Location> 
 * directives.
 * This is used if you want to use the native mapping and
 * integrate better into apache.
 * Same behavior can be achieved by using uri.properties and/or JkSet.
 * Example:
 *   <VirtualHost foo.com>
 *      <Location /examples>
 *         JkUriSet worker ajp13
 *      </Location>
 *   </VirtualHost>
 * This is the best way to define a webapplication in apache. It is
 * scalable ( using apache native optimizations, you can have hundreds
 * of hosts and thousands of webapplications ), 'natural' to any
 * apache user.
 * XXX This is a special configuration, for most users just use
 * the properties files.

You should also try a search for JkUriSet and JkSet, to see how others 
have used it.


10/24/2002 02:29 PM
Please respond to "Tomcat Users List"

        To:     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        Subject:        Apache+Tomcat Configuration problems

OK, I'm about ready to scream.  Although I'm certain that I've
missed something appallingly simple, I have no idea what that
something is.

I have installed Tomcat tomcat4-4.1.12-full.2jpp.noarch.rpm on a
RH7.3 system.  I have compiled and installed Apache 1.3.27 with
mod_ssl, EAPI, and mod_so.  I have read through:


more times than I care to count.  I have in httpd.conf:

<IfDefine HAVE_JK2>
LoadModule jk2_module modules/mod_jk2.so
AddModule  mod_jk2.c

JkWorkersFile /etc/httpd/conf/workers.properties
JkMount  /*.jsp ajp13
JkMount /servlet/* ajp13


but apachectl configtest gives:

"Syntax error on line 996 of /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf:
Invalid command 'JkWorkersFile', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by
a module not included in the server configuration"

Any 'JkXyz' I put in the file does that, and so the server fails
to start.

The Tomcat server works fine standalone i.e.
http://blah.blah:8080/ brings up the expected servlet-ed content.

I have googled and read through archives, but I'm simply not
getting something right here.

I would be most grateful for any light anyone can shine on this



Joseph F. Noonan
Rigaku/MSC Inc.

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