I see that there are a lot of messages in the archive about the "Connection reset by peer" message, but all of these (that I've seen) have to do with writing to the socket in responding to a request. I have (I think) a different problem: my servlet is a client to the Amazon web service, so when someone enters a search string, my servlet is supposed to connect to the Amazon server and perform a query. I'm running Tomcat 4.1.12 locally behind a firewall, so I've set up Tomcat to connect out through a SOCKS server. I can successfully connect to the Amazon server, but when I try to send the query, I get the "Connection reset by peer" message.

I've set up a version of the servlet that I can run from the command line,where the code that invokes the Amazon service and sends the query is the same code that is executed when it runs as a servlet, and the command line version works perfectly. So I know that the problem is not with the query itself, or with the Axis client code that formats the query, invokes the service, and reads the response.

So all the answers that have to do with "this happens when the user closes his browser" are not really useful for me, unless I'm missing something. Also, this is actually a fatal error for me, not just something that appears in the log file but has no effect otherwise.

Any ideas would be appreciated.

Steven Gollery

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