        I am checking the archives also . 

 1. I would like to know how to debug the JNDI configuration. Mine is not
working. web.xml and server.xml match the examples exactly.

>Initial context is javax.naming.InitialContext@9da967
>JNDI value is jdbc: org.apache.naming.NamingContext
>com.hcl.smartmanage.web.exception.SMServiceLocatorException: Cannot create
resource instance

The above is printed.

  2. Is it possible to configure JNDI datasources on-the-fly without
starting the server again ?

      Requirement :
            Our admin tool configure new routers and we have databases
associated with each router created accordingly. The admin and our
application are not related. So we need to create datasources for new
databases on-the-fly so that our application continues without stopping.

  Is this possible  with JNDI ?


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