Apologies if I haven't found this answered in the archives...

>From the same system Apache and Tomcat are running on (toucan), I can see
Tomcat's HelloWorldExample servlet if I use either of the URLs:

  http://localhost/examples/servlets/HelloWorldExample or

But I get a "404 Not Found" if I use the full host URL (toucan.pnl.gov) or
IP address, or if I try from a browser on another computer.

I'm guessing I only have Tomcat configured to work in standalone mode
because I see "localhost" specified in Tomcat's server.xml, in the
auto-generated mod_jk.conf file, and in jk/workers.properties; and so I'm
thinking I must add configuration information for non-standalone -- the
trouble is reading the Tomcat documentation and experimenting with
server.xml configurations have gotten me nowhere.

I'm using Apache's httpd.conf with only minimal modifications and I'm
suspicious I may need to add more to it than the command to Include the
auto-generated mod_jk.conf file -- perhaps "AddModule libexec/mod_jk.so"?
Do I also have to define a virtual host for Tomcat to talk to?

Any guidance is greatly appreciated,
- Marie


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