On Wed, 30 Oct 2002, neal wrote:

> Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2002 02:22:12 -0800
> From: neal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: Tomcat Users List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Tomcat Users List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: RE: DBCP Woes! Ahaa!
> One last question on the topic:
> If I configure the conn pooling resources indepdently for 5 different Hosts,
> when I set the maxActive parameter, will this be the maxActive connections
> *per* Host, or total?

If you put the datasource in <GlobalNamingResources> (Tomcat 4.1 only),
and then use <ResourceLink> to make it available in individual webapps,
all the configuration parameters are global -- all of the apps share a
single instance of the connection pool, configured according to the
parameters you supply.

If you configure individual <Resource> and <ResourceParams> definitions
per webapp, nested inside the <Context> element, you are creating an
individual connection pool for that webapp.

If you configure a <Resource> and <ResourceParams> inside the
<DefaultHost> element (I've never actually tried this, but people say it
works), you are essentially creating a template for the default
configuration of each webapp, which ends up with its own connection pool
(just like the second case above).

>  If I set the maxActive to 10 for 5 websites,have am I
> effectively allocating 50 connections?

Totally depends on how you've configured it :-).

> Thanks
> Neal


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