On Fri, 1 Nov 2002, Jacob Kjome wrote:

> Date: Fri, 01 Nov 2002 23:23:26 -0600
> From: Jacob Kjome <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: Tomcat Users List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Tomcat Users List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: client vs server
> You mean to run Tomcat?
> put -server in the CATALINA_OPTS environment variable.
> -server will tell the java command to use the virtual machine optimized for
> non-gui applications which is exactly what you want for running Tomcat.  If
> you don't supply -server, then you will be using the client VM by default.

In a web application context, you will *generally* find that the "-server"
option (invoked via the CATALINA_OPTS environment variable as described
above) will improve the performance of compute-bound servlets and JSP
pages in a production environment, to a degree that is *very* dependent on
your application's specific behavior.  In general, it will also reduce
performance during development (where you're often recompiling a given
class or modifying a given JSP page).

The only way to tell if it helps *your* application is to try it with and
without the option.  There is no "right" or "wrong" setting -- the correct
setting for you is whatever improves performance for *your* application.

> Jake

Craig (who, among other things, doesn't bother to put much stock in *any*
becnchmarks other than running your own application on your own production
server with your own production database)

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