
This is the first time I have tried to integrate Apache 2.0.43 with Tomcat
(actually Jboss3.0.4 with integrated Tomcat 4.1.12) so bear with me. I am
having a few problems:

1) I have managed to get Apache2 and Tomcat 4.1.12 talking to each other
using the JK2 connecter.  However when I try to access the first page all my
static content is not loaded i.e. Pictures, javascript, CSS.  However if I
do a page reload in the browser it displays correctly.  How do I get around

I am guessing these problems have something to do with my
workers2.properties file in $APACHE_HOME/conf:

info=mywebapp in the default context.

# for JSPs
info=Extension mapping

# for struts .do
info=Extension mapping

2) When I access my webapp root e.g. http://localhost/mywebapp/ it displays
the list of static content in my htdocs/mywebapp directory instead of going
to the index.jsp page or a "Not authorized" type page even though I have
specified display listings as false in tomcat's web.xml file and specified
index.jsp in the welcome list (I want it like this for all applications).  I
am thinking this problem is related to 1).

The relevant portions of my web.xml looks like the following:



3) This is more of a question really. In this situation which mime-type gets
sent to the browser? My assumption is that content put in my Apache htdocs
directory will use the Apache mime-types list, content returned by a file
download servlet would use the Tomcat ones?

Thanks in advance,


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