> You need to understand the difference between running Tomcat
> standalone and integrated with a web server (such as Apache).

Knowing all this, is there a way for a servlet to reliably know whether
Apache is currently replying to http or https?  The Apache connector portion
works perfectly using two different IP addresses and IP#1 being non-secure,
while IP#2 is secure.  I'm having a bit of difficulty with
'response.sendRedirect([relativeURL])' where one application contains both
secure and non-secure content.  I've seen this question asked in several
threads, but haven't seen a definitive answer.

- 'servletRequest.isSecure()' (okay, an extension of...) doesn't work
because the traffic between Apache and Tomcat isn't encrypted.  'isSecure()'
_always_ returns false, since the traffic it's receiving isn't encrypted.

- I've tried using 'request.getRequestURL()' to dynamically decide whether
the traffic is secure: i.e. http://server/directory/referringpage.jsp == not
secure so a relativeURL to newpage.jsp will work;
http://server:443/directory/referringpage.jsp == secure so I parse out the
server name, append 'https', and use an initial parameter for the port (in
this case an empty string - but it could be ':8443').  The problem is that
'getRequestURL' indicates where the request came _from_, so a redirect from
a secure page to a non-secure page fails.

- Currently I put the fully qualified URL for both http and https in an
initial parameter in web.xml, then I just append that to my URL in a
redirect.  At least I can move code to a new server without recompiling the
whole mess.  The problem is that I don't want to depend on the code knowing
whether it is forwarding to a secure page.

Has anyone found a better way to do this?

Chris Parker
Health Care Services Division
California Youth Authority

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