Once again I hate to ask a question that has been asked and answered, but I can't seem to get this working with the info from the docs and archives. I have a simple set up with Tomcat 4.1.12 and Apache 1.3 and mod_jk on a Linux box. It's not a big site and all I really want is for the whole thing to be jsp enabled. I have some webapps set up and working, but I can't get Tomcat to serve out of the root context. I am guessing that I either need to set the Root context to be the same as Apache's document root, or set Apache's document root to the default Root context, and then in either case place the correct (?) JkMount statements in httpd.conf. However, when I try these on a test machine, I can't get it to work. In both cases, I used the jkMount statements /*.jsp and /servlet/. What's the best way to do this?



Mark L. Diana, MBA
LAN Manager & Webmaster
Virginia Commonwealth University
Department of Health Administration

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