That would be ignoring the fact that there exists an Application Developer's Guide in the Tomcat documentation.


At 05:22 PM 11/15/2002 +0800, you wrote:
That would be a question for the ant group. But I've attached a sample none the same.

sathya wrote:

hi all,
     I wanted to know how to build the project using ant..Kindly help me.
I am using Tomcat 4.1.10.Does anybody using ant have any scipts.??

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<?xml version="1.0"?>

<project name="SAPTest" basedir="." default="all">
    <target name="all">
        <!-- WRITEME -->
        <mkdir dir="SAPTest"/>
        <mkdir dir="SAPTest/WEB-INF"/>
        <mkdir dir="SAPTest/img"/>

        <copy todir="SAPTest/WEB-INF">
            <fileset dir="Source/SAPSource/WEB-INF/">

        <copy todir="SAPTest" >
            <fileset dir="Source/SAPSource">
                <include name="*.jsp"/>
                <include name="*.properties"/>
                <include name="*.txt"/>
                <include name="*.htm"/>
                <include name="*.js"/>
                <include name="*.css"/>
                <include name="crontab"/>
         <war warfile="iwhack.war" webxml="Source/SAPSource/WEB-INF/web.xml">
            <fileset dir="Source/SAPSource/"/>
       <delete dir="SAPTest"/>

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