Noah --

I don't really see how doing

<form action="/<context>/doThis" method="post">

makes your app dependent on your context ... it makes your app dependent on the _name_ of your context, but not anything else about your context. If you move your app around to other appservers, you'll always have to define a name in some proprietary way. If you're concerned about this (ie want to be able to dynamically create the application name), then why not just make this a configurable parameter and do something such as this in each of your jsps:

<% String urlPrepend = MyConfig.getAppNamePrepend();
<form action="<%=urlPrepend%>/doThis" method="post">

(or some variation thereof). There are many ways to implement a process for doing this depending on what sort of Tomcat/J2EE "features" you're using and your deployment requirements. Be sure you really need application _name_ independence, though ... most apps don't need this.


At 11:58 PM 11/16/2002, you wrote:
Any other thoughts on this? Someone suggested using Struts  . . but short of
instituting a framework  . .

----- Original Message -----
From: "Noah Davis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2002 8:18 PM
Subject: proper use of servlet contexts

I have a question regarding the proper way to use servlet contexts. The way
I've been using them I always seem to bump into one problem or another which
affects the flexibility of using servlets or affects the portability of my

Here's my problem:

I developed several servlets and defined them in the web.xml file. Then I
referenced them in a form as such:

<form action="/<context>/doThis" method="post">

Now I've made my application dependent on my servlet context. Ok, so I
decided that instead of referencing my servlets in a root (context) relative
way I would reference them in a relative way from the page i'm on:

<form action="doThis" method="post">

I would then map the servlet in a way that parallels my physical directory
structure. If the form tag above was on a page "/help/finance/index.jsp", I
would have to map the above servlet as "/help/finance/doThis", in order for
it to resolve correctly.

Ok, great. Now I have a way to refer to servlets that doesn't affect the
portability of my application. But it's seems like this isn't a great
solution either. What if I use this servlet in multiple places? Now I have
to go back and add new mappings in each place to make sure that a relative
call to this servlet works in these cases as well.

Now I'm thinking that possibly the best solution is to prepend the servlet
context for each form action call:

<form action="<%=pageContext.getServletContext()%>doThis" method="post">

But this seems like a round about way to go for something so simple. Am I
missing something here?

A second issue is that if your servlet does a forward using the request
dispatcher AND your servlet url mapping does not reflect your directory
structure, all the image paths and links and such could get screwed. There
is a workaround using the HTML Base tag, but this isn't an option in my
particular situation.

Thoughts on this?

Thanks in advance.


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