Ugh, thanks. I really dont know where to start however. How are the variables made persistent? Can you possibly provide a little syntax? Finally, what is '<app_context>'? A directory?

Hello Paul, if u use a parallel directory and "bean" class files w/ setter/getter methods u can persist variable information in the bean file and then retrieve the information in a jsp once the the server has changed
pages. example directory tree follows. hope this helps, david.
/ \
/web /beans
where ur servelets r under web and ur bean class files r under beans.
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Hello, <app_context> is application context. this is namely the object of ur questions. there r many, many examples of "bean" usage all over the net. u will have to dig deeper to find the "syntax". there r a myriad of ways to accomplish the simple outline i have given here. here is a starting point: http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/javabeans/ . hope this helps, david.

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