I have implemented Scheduler program that has a thread monitoring a
database table for any new tasks that need to be run in the background.
At the moment these tasks consist of just servlets, but should probably work
with a class that extend a Struts Action.

I created an HttpURLConnection from a URL object, which contains the URI
part that normally invokes a servlet. i.e. /servlet/some.servlet.Servlet
with the context name on the front of course, and the server name, port, and
scheme (HTTP) from the ServletContext object.

Once you are connected you can then fiddle around with connection settings.
Create an OutputStream to write to the servlet and as InputStream to read
from the servlet. I found that I had to write to the servlet and then close
the writer and then open the input stream and close it in that order.

Hope this helps,


----- Original Message -----
From: "Reynir Hübner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, November 29, 2002 10:19 AM
Subject: thread comunicating with ServletContexts


I have a slight problem....

I am starting up a thread when application starts with a
ServletContextListener implementation. The purpouse of the thread is to
monitor a directory that has few xml descriptor files in it.
Attributes from the XML files are parsed into the ServletContext on startup
of the ServletContext, and then it's possible to trigger reload by executing
a servlet, that does the reload.

Right now the initial load and the reload by servlet are working, The thread
is monitoring the directory every 10 seconds it checks if anything has been
modified (works fine).

The problem I am facing right now is to find a way to pass the attributes
read by the Thread (instanciated in a listener) from the xml files,  into
the ServletContext.

One way of doing it might be to run a HTTPUrlConnect against the servlet
that can then reload the attributes from the xml files, that might work, but
then I will have to worrie about some authentication, etc. That I dont want
to have to think about right now.

I tried passing a ServletContext variable  to the ServletContext to the
Thread, but that seems to lock up the webapplication, meaning the thread
runs fine but nothing else.

I'm tired and I think I must be not thinking straight, can someone help me ?


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