I suppose it depends on what you're doing, which, unfortunately, I don't

If you're overly filling your session w/ objects, or if you have a session
scoped bean that is spiraling out of control or something, that might lead
to the problem, or if you create/leave open jdbc connections or stuff like
that.  I'm running tomcat 4.03 on a much less beefy system, and I don't ever
notice any memory issues, now that I make sure I close and null my
connections and such.

More info on what's happening might help, though..

----- Original Message -----
To: "Tomcat Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, December 02, 2002 3:51 PM
Subject: Memory/Performance

> I find that tomcat's memory stamp grows continually until eventually there
> are out of memory errors or it just bogs down.  I am running on jdk1.4_1,
> tomcat 4.1.12, apache 1.27, mod_jk on the linux 2.2 kernel.  The box I am
> operating on has 1gig of memory and has dual gigahertz processors.  I
> believe that tomcat has some serious memory leaks and/or I am not writing
> my jsppages properly.  So i would like to ask two questions:
> 1)Assuming tomcat has memory issues what can I do to control them?
> 2)What techniques would you suggest to write jsppages that help keep
> memory consumption down?  Are there ways to write jsppages that makes them
> more "garbage collection friendly"?
> please comment....
> --
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