On Tue, 3 Dec 2002, David Brown wrote:

> David Mehringer writes: 
> Hello Dave, i have special interest when people named Dave running linux 
> boxes and tc ask questions so here goes: how do ur jars get to the locatin 
> under: WEB-INF? how u r generating ur jars? what do the jars do? r the jars 
> from another source or have u generated them? what version and flavor of 
> linux r u running? what dev tools r u running? what version of jdk? anything 
> that may help shed light on the problem. thanx, david. 
Hi David,
Fortunately for me, we have the same first name :).  I see what I think is 
the path your leading me down.  I built the jar file myself with jdk 1.2 
but am running tomcat using jdk 1.4.  I rebuilt the jar file using the 1.4 
version (tho the class files were still compiled using 1.2 -- I'm making a 
mental note of this in case it causes me future problems).  The jar file 
now seems to load ok on start up.  Just to answer some of your other  
questions, I'm running Red Hat 7.3 with kernel 2.4.18-3smp.

Thanks for the questions, sometimes they can be just as good as answers 

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