Rolf Borgen Guescini writes:
Does anybody know what to do when setting up tomcat on a UNIX environment
for more than one user?
Is the best way to define a directory owned by a group where all the users
belong,and then make contexts in server.xml?
Or is there another way of doing it?
-(o o)-
* Rolf Borgen Guescini *
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Hello Rolf, this is a two edged sword. if u r talking about localhost only w/ no public access this is not a problem but just allow each user to have their own "<webapps>" directory e.g. $CATALALINA_HOME/<user1_webapps,user2_webapps,...>/ all defined in their own web.xml files at: $CATALINA_HOME/<someuser_webapps>/WEB-INF. on other edge to this sword can be cutting and care is needed if u r mean to run public. i'm working on this now and have a infrastructure that would allow users to update servlets and jsp's remotely and install webapps using the /manager application. i can do this because i have all such accesses under "protected" webapp directories and encrypted w/ ssl requiring pam cert and user id's and password logins. this is an involved step and an order of magnitude of labor over the other sword edge. i have done things this way because as many will agree the public internet is a place where nobody's sandbox is safe from attack and intrusion. tc vulnerabilities r the same as for other services that have public access. if u do mean to offer public access then u have choosen a good package. tc has no security defaults but has all the tools necessary to harden its public server capabilties especially if used w/ apache version 1.3.27 or better. reply w/ more info on where u r technically: hardware, os, software services installed, network (connection), dns etc. and maybe u will get the attention of the gurus. hope this helps, david.
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