I think i've been schooled in this already, so please disregard this
unless still want to comment on it... Thanks again and sorry for this
post, but it was made one minute before I was kindly informed by Milt
Epstein that there is no way of doing what i ask here...

On Fri, 2002-12-06 at 16:48, Alexander Wallace wrote:
> Hello there... I have asked this question before but maybe with the
> wrong subject, so here i try again.
> I have a web app that needs to use SSL at one point, but not from the
> beginning. Now i understand tat once i start using SSL i need to stay in
> that mode, and that is fine.
> My problem is that when i'm in https mode, i need to get from the
> session some objects that were put there when the app was using http
> mode.
> I asumme this is becouse tomcat is creating a new session and encrypting
> it's id when https is used.
> But how can i have access to those objects?
> Has anyone experienced this situation? How did you fix it?
> Thanks in advance.
> --
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