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Tomcat 4.0.3 (integrated jBoss)
Apache 2.0.40
JDK 1.3.0

We're using jBoss/Tomcat to provide a web front-end to a java application which can generally be considered stand-alone. Normal requests are processed by this application and return quickly, but we occasionally run into problems where, for one reason or another, the request thread can never return (due to a problem in the stand-alone application). This results in the user seeing spinning globes in their browser until the request times out and the user goes about their business. However...

On the Tomcat side, the request thread never appears to timeout. In the shorterm, this causes no problems, but get enough of these, and there's obvious problems with non-recoverable threads. This can be seen when we try to shut Tomcat down with the StandardWrapper's message "Waiting for X instance(s) to be deallocated". Since the threads apparently don't timeout, the shutdown hangs and I have to kill the process alltogether. Not ideal, especially during development. <grin>

Any ideas on how to force these threads to timeout? I feel like I must be missing something since I would imagine this is something many people may run into.

Thanks for any insights or observations...

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