I have a war file that I deploy to my server 4.1.12.  If I just deploy
the war file without making any entries in the server.xml file and start
Tomcat, everything is fine.  OK so far.  However, if I make an explicit
context entry in the server.xml file for the war file using the
following entry:

<Host name="localhost" debug="9" appBase="webapps" unpackWARs="true"
    <Context path="/cda" docBase="cda.war" debug="9" reloadable="true"/>

When I try to start tomcat, it looks as if everything is going fine then
it just quits with no errors or anything.  I checked the logfile, and
the last entry is:
[timestamp] StandardContext[/cda]: Sending application start events
[timestamp] StandardContext[/cda]: Starting filters

Am I missing something here? Obviously I am cause it doesnt work.  I
know my war file is correctly configured because it works fine without
the <Context> entry.

Dave Patton

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