
I am using Apache 2.0.43 with Tomcat 4.1.12LE and mod_jk2.  I have set up
identical tomcat instances running on different ports which allows me to
have a machine utilized even when I need to shutdown one of the two
instances for maintenance etc.  The two instances are load balanced through
a jk2 load balance group to two AJP13 (channel.socket) connectors.

Right now what I have been doing is shutting down one of the two tomcat
instances using tomcat's shutdown.sh script and having mod_jk2 detect the
"failure" of the instance and redirect traffic.  This works but generates
errors.  So my question is this:  Is it possible to gracefully shutdown a
channel via the status worker or something similar?  I would rather
temporarily disable a worker than depend on the mod_jk2 failure detection.
I'm having a bit of a hard time with the mod_jk2 documentation :)


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