At 11:00 AM 12/13/2002, you wrote:
* For the <servlet> node:
        * Is the servlet-name attribute merely an ID?
        * What is the display-name attribute for?
The servlet-name attribute is a UNIQUE user-defined name that you use to identify that particular servlet. This value must match the servlet-name value in the <servlet-mapping> tag.

The display name, on the other hand, does not have to be unique. It is used in other places (management applications, user output, etc) to identify the servlet in a "friendly" way. Think of the servlet-name as your primary key and the display-name as your regular name.

* For the <servlet-mapping> node:
        * Is the servlet-name attribute ALSO merely an ID?
        * What is the syntax for the url-pattern attribute?  Can I use
wildcards?  Reg. Expressions?
As I mentioned, the servlet-name here matches that in the <servlet> node. The syntax for url-pattern is pretty limited. You're limited to the wildcard char ("*") and actual url strings. See the servlet spec for more details.

* Finally, is there any relationship between the <Context> node in the
server.xml file and the web.xml?  Or is the only dependency that the web.xml
file needs to be in docbase/WEB-INF, where docbase is the value of the
docbase attribute in the <Context> nodes?
The server.xml file contains all of the Tomcat-specific settings that allow Tomcat to provide the services your app requires. The spec does not dictate how these vendor-specific settings are set, so Tomcat does it this way (with the notion of "context" and "host", etc). Other vendors do it in some very different ways. Everything your app needs to run is found in the web.xml -- everything to make the container run is in server.xml. The only thing these two share is jndi names (which your application references through web.xml and your container creates through it's specific scheme). This is the only relationship.


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