Thankyou, i'll see into that. I did writhe the classes so i can change them.  

About the logging, well, i did post a message here, i don't thing i found out 
what i was hoping (using System.out.println(), if the classes are not 
servlets, the log goes to catalina and not my app).

Anyways, i can live with that, but i'll probably use the   
ServletContextListener to solve the problem with the classes not shutting 

Again thanks!

On Monday 16 December 2002 15:49, Shapira, Yoav wrote:
> Hi,
> >Hello. I have some classes that are started by a servlet when tomcat
> >starts, their main method has a timer to execute some stuff
> periodically. >When I shut tomcat down, the classes remain running.  How
> can i make them >shut down with tomcat?
> One possible way would be to implement a ServletContextListener and its
> contextDestroyed() event, shut down the classes gracefully.
> Another way, assuming the classes are extensions of threads, to mark
> them as daemons.  Daemon threads will die when tomcat exits.
> Did you write these classes or are they 3rd party?
> >The reason they stay up is probabbly the same for their log file to be
> >catalina's log and not my app's log, which i still have not figured out
> how
> >to change.
> I doubt that's the reason they stay up.  It's more likely that the above
> are two separate issues.  You could post another question in a new
> thread with logging questions.  I suggest you search the archives first
> as the above question is fairly common.
> Yoav Shapira
> Millennium ChemInformatics
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