I'm just a little curious on this and I'm sure there's a simple
 I've mapped a servlet with the following path "/inventory/*" which
seems to be working fine.  The servler sends the request to the
 However, I'm having trouble getting the page request from the request
object.  I'm just looking for index.html or similar value but I'm
trouble getting to it.
The following methods return the following results:

Servlet Path: /inventory
Context Path: /boastuff 
Request URL: http://localhost:8080/boastuff/inventory/index.html 
Request URI: /boastuff/inventory/index.html 
Session ID: null   
In the example I'm looking at request.getServletPath is used to
retrieve the index.html.  However, on mine it never gives that.  Do I
need to parse the Request URI or Request URL to get the actual page
request or is there a method I'm not finding?

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