Is this behavior all from one browser, or from multiple browsers?  I had a
similar problem, but by telling my browser to stop caching, it went away, so
my thought was that for whatever reason it was cached on the browser.
Which, as I'm typing this, seems like it might be fixed by the other
solution (a dynamic jsp:include), because if the browser isn't loading it
from somewhere else, it must not be getting a header that leads to
reloading...  you could also maybe try using some of the <META> tags to
force non-caching behavior of the included page...

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 20, 2002 12:50 PM
Subject: JSP not using latest version of included file

> My app has several JSPs that include an html file (ie. <%@ include
> file="banner.html" %>) that displays the app's version number.
> gets updated every now and then with a new version number via Ant and
> pushed to the Tomcat webapps/myapp directory along with the JSPs (forced
> overwrite using Ant copy task).  The app is then reloaded w/i Ant via the
> Catalina reload task.
> Everything works except the newly compiled JSP isn't including the new
> file.  It's somehow picking up the prior version.  Given a JSP
> the and login_jsp.class (in the TC
> ../work/standalone/localhost/myapp directory) both have new timestamps
> which indicates they were regenerated after the JSPs and html were pushed
> into place.   If I manually delete those generated files forcing another
> JSP recompile, it *still* won't pick up the new html. If I delete the
> (again), stop/start the application in the TC manager, then the newly
> generated suddenly includes the new version of the html.
> It's as if the JSP compiler is using a cached version of the old .html
> until I stop the application.
> I want to display the new included html w/o having to start/stop the app o
> Tomcat. Can someone explain what's  going on?
> Thanks
> --
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