Hi all;

I've a certain webapp that works when I deploy it and
doesn't when i install.  Specifically, in the latter
case it fails to establish database connection.  I'm
using Ant tasks for the job.  Could anyone guess what
may cause it?

Another minor problem is, when I do ant dist, though I
do have context.xml in my source tree it doesn't
appear in the resultant WAR file, so I rewrote prepare
target on which dist depends, to include the following

<mkdir dir="${build.home}/META-INF"/>
<copy file="${basedir}/context.xml"

and now it's ok.  However, since Ant creates META-INF
directory automatically (and even puts MANIFEST.MF
into it) I wonder if what I did is unnecessary and
whether there's some property or attribute(which I
failed to find in Ant documentation) that results in
automatic context.xml inclusion in WAR file.


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