I cannot tell if there's a difference between 4.1.12 and 4.1.18 as I'm
still using 4.1.15.

I would first change the url pattern to

Second add <security-role><role-name>myrole</role-name></security-role>
Tags under the document root for all roles you use. As far as I know
your <auth-constaint><role-name>s reference to these <security-role>s. I
never tried what happens if you don't specify these, too.


P.S. Merry Christmas!

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Peter Lee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Mittwoch, 25. Dezember 2002 00:01
> Subject: Security constraint problem with v4.1.18
> I upgraded from 4.1.12 to 4.1.18, but I got some problems 
> with security constraints. I have applied a security 
> constraint on a particular url pattern. Only certain users 
> with a special rolename can 
> access that link. It used to work but now the page does not 
> load with v4.1.18. Is SSL implemented differently after 
> v4.1.12 that prevents my application fromworking?
> Is there any documentation on tomcat v4.1.18 SSL security stuff?
> Here is my security constraint in web.xml:
>      <security-constraint>
>     <web-resource-collection>
>       <web-resource-name>SSLResource</web-resource-name>
>       <url-pattern>/protected</url-pattern>
>     </web-resource-collection>
>     <auth-constraint>
>       <role-name>myrole</role-name>
>     </auth-constraint>
>     <user-data-constraint>
>       <transport-guarantee>CONFIDENTIAL</transport-guarantee>
>     </user-data-constraint>
>   </security-constraint>
> --
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