Hi John,

If you are interested, I have apache 2.0.43, Tomcat 4.1.18, mod_jk2 (jni auto start) with php 4.2.4 running on Mac OS X 10.2.3 with the NDA version of Java 1.4.1D8 running on a dual G4 (previous 1.4.1 versions will not work, the jvm crashes, 1.3.1 is no problem).

I am in the processing converting this all to JBoss 3.0.4



On Saturday, Dec 28, 2002, at 03:37 Europe/Berlin, Turner, John wrote:

Greetings -

I've been sitting on this HOWTO for awhile, just never got around to posting
it until tonight.

It covers setting up Apache 2.0.43, Tomcat 4.1.18, and mod_jk with JDK 1.4.1
on Windows XP Professional. I took some time just now to verify that all of
the versions are as recent as I could make them, and that everything was a
binary. There is no need to compile from source whatsoever, including the
connector. If I get some time next week after the holiday, I will do the
same thing for JK2, though I am still new to JK2.

Win XP Pro + Apache 2.0.43 + Tomcat 4.1.18 + JK HOWTO:


Other HOWTOs:


As far as I know, the XP HOWTO will work just fine with Windows 2000...I
don't see any reason why it wouldn't. There might be some issues in the
HOWTO with where to find the Services control panel, etc. that are different
between 2000 and XP, but as far as the Apache and Tomcat parts of it go,
everything should be identical. If you're an adept Win 2K user, I'm sure
you will be able to adapt accordingly. I don't have access to a Win2K box
that I can use for messing around, so Win XP Pro it is.

I just didn't have the energy to deal with trying to make JK and Tomcat work
with IIS...maybe someday, but I doubt it. I am also considering revamping
the WinXP HOWTO to include screenshots of the different windows during all
of the installation steps, but that's a lot of work. If I get enough people
asking for that I will consider it, but for now it's just text.

As always, comments and suggestions are welcome, though if you go through
the HOWTO and have problems, the best place for help is right here. I'm
getting more and more email each day from people asking for individual help,
and I just can't do it, as much as I would like to. If you notice a glaring
error or mistake in the HOWTO, or have a suggestion, that's different.
Folks sending email consisting of "I followed your HOWTO and it doesn't work
help me right now" and similar will be directed politely to this list, so
you might as well post here first. When posting, please be as specific as
possible. At least that way, the solution will be in the archives for
others to use.

Happy New Year to everyone!


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