> -----Original Message-----
> From: Craig R. McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, January 02, 2003 2:22 PM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: RE: can tomcat do dynamic virtual hosts?
> In principle, it would be pretty straightforward to extend the manager
> webapp to do things like this (so that it would be easily 
> scriptable from
> a command line or Ant script).  In fact, there's discussion on the
> developer list, with respect to Tomcat 5, to enabling pretty 
> much all of
> the administrative change type features via JMX (which is 
> what the admin
> webapp is already using) and making them available remotely.  A small
> amount of refactoring inside Catalina will be required to 
> make this work
> (such as making the startup code that reads server.xml just 
> use the same
> JMX operations instead of duplicating things), but that's not a huge
> amount of work.

That sounds awesome.  Not that it counts, but put me down for an "Aye!" if
it comes down to a vote. :)

> As for the web connectors, you'll need to ask someone who 
> understands and
> works on them what the plans are for supporting dynamic configuration
> changes.  Given that Apache doesn't appear to support them, I 
> would guess
> this is going to be a challenge -- but that's outside my area of
> expertise.

Understood.  Apache does support dynamic changes, but manual intervention is
required.  There's no "auto sense".  A 'graceful' or 'restart' option to the
executable will pick up changes in configuration.  

> Craig


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